
    Pokemon Drifloon Guide

    Welcome to the comprehensive guide on the ethereal and whimsical Pokemon Drifloon. Known for its balloon-like appearance and elusive nature, Drifloon has captured the hearts of many Trainers. This guide will delve into the various aspects of Drifloon, from its basic characteristics to its evolution and battle strategies.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Drifloon is a member of the Ghost/Flying type, which grants it the ability to hover and maneuver through the air with ease. It is known for its delicate appearance, resembling a small, white balloon with a blue, star-shaped pattern on its head. Drifloon has a height of 0.3 meters and a weight of 0.1 kilograms.

    Key Characteristics:

    • Type: Ghost/Flying
    • Height: 0.3 meters
    • Weight: 0.1 kilograms
    • Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
    • Egg Group: Amorphous

    Drifloon is a dual-type Ghost/Flying Pokemon, which means it is vulnerable to Ground-type moves and super-effective against Ghost and Dark-type moves. Its base stats are as follows:

    • HP: 40
    • Attack: 30
    • Defense: 30
    • Special Attack: 50
    • Special Defense: 30
    • Speed: 70

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves

    Drifloon has a set of unique abilities and moves that make it a formidable opponent in battle.


    • Levitate: This ability prevents Drifloon from being affected by Ground-type moves and other effects that would cause it to fall.
    • Air Lock: This ability prevents any moves from being used on Drifloon, except for moves that are already in use.


    Drifloon has access to a variety of moves, including:

    • Shadow Ball: A powerful Ghost-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense.
    • Focus Energy: Boosts Drifloon's Special Attack for two turns.
    • Gust: A Flying-type move that can hit multiple opponents.
    • Disappear: A Ghost-type move that makes Drifloon invisible for one turn, allowing it to escape or attack with surprise.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Drifloon is a popular choice among Trainers for its unique abilities and moves. It can serve multiple roles in a team, such as a support or a reliable attacker.


    • Supporter: Drifloon's abilities and moves make it an excellent choice for supporting other Pokemon. Its Levitate ability can protect the team from Ground-type moves, while its Air Lock ability can keep it safe from enemy attacks.
    • Attacker: Drifloon can be a powerful attacker, especially when combined with a high Special Attack stat. Its moves like Shadow Ball and Focus Energy can deal significant damage to opponents.


    Drifloon is often found in the wild, especially in areas with high grass or caves. It can also be caught through various means, such as catching a wild Drifloon or hatching from an egg.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    To make the most of Drifloon's abilities and moves, consider the following strategies and training tips:

    Battle Strategies:

    • Focus on Special Attack: Invest in Drifloon's Special Attack stat to maximize the effectiveness of moves like Shadow Ball and Focus Energy.
    • Use Air Lock Wisely: Employ Air Lock to prevent the opponent from attacking Drifloon, giving it time to heal or prepare for a counterattack.
    • Combine with Ghost-type Moves: Drifloon's dual-type nature allows it to use Ghost-type moves, which can be super-effective against many opponents.

    Training Tips:

    • Evolve to Drifblim: Consider evolving Drifloon into Drifblim for increased stats and access to more powerful moves.
    • Use EV Training: Focus on EV training for Special Attack to enhance Drifloon's offensive capabilities.
    • Utilize Abilities: Make the most of Drifloon's abilities by using them strategically in battle.

    5. Evolution Information

    Drifloon evolves into Drifblim when it reaches level 40. Drifblim retains the same type and abilities as Drifloon but has higher base stats and access to more powerful moves.


    • Drifloon: Level 40 → Drifblim

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    Drifloon's design draws inspiration from various sources, including:

    • Balloons: Its appearance is reminiscent of a small, white balloon, with the blue star pattern on its head resembling a balloon's string.
    • Ghosts: The Ghost-type element of Drifloon is reflected in its ethereal and translucent appearance.
    • Fairy Tales: The legend that a child who mistakes Drifloon for a balloon could wind up missing is reminiscent of fairy tales and folklore.

    Drifloon's unique characteristics and abilities make it a fascinating and versatile Pokemon to add to any Trainer's collection. By understanding its strengths and weaknesses, you can harness its full potential in battle and beyond.