
    Pokemon Melmetal Guide

    Melmetal, a fearsome and resilient Steel-type Pokémon, is a unique creature with a fascinating lifecycle. As a Pokémon that evolves from itself, Melmetal stands out in the Pokémon universe. This guide will delve into the various aspects of Melmetal, from its basic characteristics to its evolution and battle strategies.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Name: Melmetal

    Type: Steel

    Height: 6'8"

    Weight: 2,470 lbs

    Description: Melmetal is a massive, humanoid Pokémon with a metallic, rusted appearance. It has a robust build and a powerful aura, indicative of its formidable strength. Despite its intimidating presence, Melmetal is known for its calm demeanor and unwavering loyalty.

    Evolves From: Meltan

    Evolves Into: None

    Habitat: Rusty Land

    Weaknesses: Fire, Rock, and Fairy

    Resistances: Normal, Electric, and Ice

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves


    • Rust Out: Melmetal's body will rust and fall apart when it reaches the end of its life-span, but it will be reborn as Meltan.
    • Sheer Force: Melmetal's attacks are incredibly powerful, capable of defeating opponents with a single hit.


    • Metal Burst: A powerful Steel-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense.
    • Giga Impact: A powerful physical move that can knock out the opponent if it is not protected or if the opponent is already at low health.
    • Iron Head: A strong physical move that can break through the opponent's defenses.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Role: Melmetal is a powerful Pokémon that can serve as a reliable tank or a powerful attacker, depending on the situation. Its ability to evolve into itself and its unique abilities make it a valuable asset in battles.

    Status: Melmetal is a rare and sought-after Pokémon, making it a valuable catch for any Pokémon trainer. Its evolution from Meltan adds to its allure, as it represents the final stage of the Meltan line.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    Battle Strategies:

    • Tank Strategy: Use Melmetal's high Defense and Special Defense to absorb damage and set up for powerful attacks.
    • Attacker Strategy: Focus on Melmetal's powerful moves, such as Metal Burst and Giga Impact, to deal significant damage to the opponent.
    • Combination Strategy: Utilize Melmetal's abilities to create opportunities for powerful attacks, such as using Iron Head to break through the opponent's defenses.

    Training Tips:

    • Focus on Strength: Invest in moves that increase Melmetal's Attack and Special Attack stats.
    • Maximize Defense: Enhance Melmetal's Defense and Special Defense to make it a formidable opponent.
    • Utilize Abilities: Make the most of Melmetal's abilities, such as Rust Out and Sheer Force, to gain advantages in battles.

    5. Evolution Information

    Evolution Process: Melmetal does not evolve into any other Pokémon. Instead, it evolves from Meltan, a mysterious and rare Pokémon. The process involves capturing a Meltan and using a Meltan Stone to evolve it into Melmetal.

    Egg Group: No eggs can be hatched into Melmetal.

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration


    • Melmetal's name is derived from "metal" and "metallic."
    • Its design was inspired by the rusted and worn-out appearance of old metal structures.
    • Melmetal's evolution from Meltan is a unique aspect of the Pokémon universe, as it evolves into itself.

    Design Inspiration:

    • The designers of Melmetal were inspired by the idea of a Pokémon that represents the end of a lifecycle and the beginning of a new one.
    • The rusted appearance of Melmetal is meant to symbolize its resilience and strength, even in the face of decay.

    Melmetal is a fascinating Pokémon with a unique lifecycle and powerful abilities. Whether you're looking to add it to your team or simply want to learn more about this intriguing creature, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about Melmetal.