
    Pokemon Seel Guide

    Welcome to the comprehensive guide on the aquatic Pokémon Seel. Known for its resilience to cold temperatures and its eventual evolution into the majestic Dewgong, Seel is a beloved creature in the Pokémon universe. This guide will delve into the various aspects of Seel, from its basic characteristics to its role in battles and its evolution.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Seel is a Water-type Pokémon, first introduced in Generation I of the Pokémon franchise. It is known for its thick fat, which allows it to thrive in cold seas without any discomfort. However, it becomes weary in warm waters, making it a creature that prefers cooler climates.

    Name: Seel Type: Water Height: 0.9 m (3'0") Weight: 45.5 kg (100 lbs) Classification: Water Pokémon Evolves into: Dewgong (at level 36)

    Base Stats:

    • HP: 70
    • Attack: 55
    • Defense: 45
    • Special Attack: 65
    • Special Defense: 45
    • Speed: 50

    Seel's thick, fluffy fur and large, expressive eyes are iconic features that have become synonymous with the Water-type. Its overall appearance is that of a small, adorable seal, with a sleek, streamlined body and a pair of flippers.

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves

    Seel has several unique abilities and moves that make it a formidable Pokémon in battle.


    • Water Absorb: This ability allows Seel to absorb water-type moves, turning them into HP.
    • Hyperspace Hole: This ability can protect Seel from any attack that would deal more than 50% of its HP.


    • Bubble: A Water-type move that can damage the opponent and lower its speed.
    • Bubble Beam: A stronger version of Bubble that can hit multiple opponents.
    • Aqua Jet: A Water-type move that can boost Seel's speed.
    • Ice Beam: A move that can freeze the opponent, dealing damage over time.

    Seel's moveset is versatile, allowing it to deal significant damage while also providing support to its allies.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    In Pokémon games, Seel serves as a reliable Water-type Pokémon that can be used in various roles.

    Offensive: Seel can be used as a primary attacker, taking advantage of its powerful Water-type moves and the ability to absorb water attacks. Defensive: With the ability to protect itself from powerful Water-type moves, Seel can be used as a tank to absorb hits for its allies. Support: Seel's moveset allows it to provide support to its team, such as boosting speed or lowering the opponent's defenses.

    Seel is also a popular choice for breeding with other Pokémon, as it can pass on its unique abilities to its offspring.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    When using Seel in battle, consider the following strategies and training tips:

    • Utilize Water Absorb: Take advantage of Seel's ability to absorb Water-type moves by using moves that benefit from this ability, such as Surf or Hydro Pump.
    • Focus on Water-Type Moves: Since Seel is a Water-type Pokémon, it is highly effective against Fire, Rock, and Ground-type opponents.
    • Train for Speed: While Seel's speed is not its strongest attribute, training for higher speed can help it land critical hits and escape from dangerous situations.
    • Evolve to Dewgong: Consider evolving Seel into Dewgong for its increased power and access to more powerful moves.

    5. Evolution Information

    Seel evolves into Dewgong at level 36. Dewgong is a much more powerful Pokémon, with higher stats and access to more powerful moves. It retains Seel's abilities and moveset, making it a valuable Pokémon in any team.

    Evolves into: Dewgong Evolves at level: 36

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    • Design Inspiration: The design of Seel is inspired by real-life seals, with its thick fur and streamlined body. Its large, expressive eyes give it a friendly and approachable appearance.
    • Trivia: Seel is the only Water-type Pokémon that can learn the move Ice Beam, which is typically exclusive to Ice-type Pokémon.
    • Cultural Significance: In some cultures, seals are considered symbols of protection and resilience, which aligns with Seel's characteristics.

    Seel is a charming and versatile Pokémon that has captured the hearts of many Pokémon trainers. Its ability to evolve into the powerful Dewgong and its unique Water-type moves make it a valuable asset to any team. Whether you're using it as an offensive powerhouse or a reliable defensive unit, Seel is sure to be a favorite in your Pokémon collection.