
    Pokemon Starly Guide

    Welcome to the comprehensive guide on the charming and lively Pokémon Starly. Known for its noisy and catchy songs, Starly is a fan favorite among trainers seeking a versatile and adorable companion.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Name: Starly
    Type: Normal/Flying
    Height: 0.3 m (1'0")
    Weight: 2.9 kg (6.4 lbs)
    Classification: Starling Pokémon
    Description: Starly is a small, star-shaped Pokémon with a bright blue body and a yellow tail. It has a pair of large, expressive eyes and a small, pointy beak. Its feathers shimmer in the sunlight, and it is known for its loud, high-pitched chirps.

    Egg Groups: Bird, Flying

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves


    • Keen Eye: Boosts accuracy.
    • Gale: Increases the power of flying-type moves.


    • Tackle: A physical attack that deals damage based on the Pokémon's strength.
    • Aerial Ace: A flying-type move that can hit multiple opponents.
    • Giggle: A status move that boosts the user's attack and speed.
    • Singing: A status move that lowers the opponent's accuracy.

    Unique Moves:

    • Tailwind: A move that boosts the user's speed and the speed of its allies.
    • Air Slice: A flying-type move that can hit multiple opponents and has a chance to lower their speed.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Starly is a popular choice for beginners due to its low base stats and ease of training. It can be used effectively in various roles, including:

    • Offensive: Starly's high speed and access to powerful flying-type moves make it a formidable attacker.
    • Support: Its ability to boost allies' speeds and use moves like Tailwind makes it a valuable support Pokémon.
    • Defensive: While not the strongest defender, Starly can hold its own with its high speed and access to moves like Aerial Ace.

    In competitive play, Starly is often used in a supportive role, providing speed boosts and aiding in team setup.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    Battle Strategies:

    • Use Starly's high speed to set up and avoid powerful attacks.
    • Pair Starly with Pokémon that can deal significant damage or provide support.
    • Utilize moves like Aerial Ace to hit multiple opponents.

    Training Tips:

    • Train Starly's speed and attack to maximize its effectiveness in battle.
    • Consider investing in moves like Tailwind and Air Slice for additional support.
    • Pair Starly with Pokémon that can counter or resist its moves, such as ground-type Pokémon.

    5. Evolution Information

    Starly evolves into Staravia when it reaches level 36. Staravia is a larger, more powerful version of Starly with improved stats and access to more powerful moves.

    Evolution Requirements:

    • Level 36
    • Hold an item like the Everstone to prevent further evolution.

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    • Starly's design is inspired by the starling bird, a common species found in various parts of the world.
    • The loud, high-pitched chirps of Starly are based on the actual sounds made by starling birds.
    • Starly's evolution into Staravia represents its growth and development, as it becomes a more powerful and majestic Pokémon.

    Starly is a delightful Pokémon that brings joy and excitement to any trainer's journey. With its charming appearance, versatile abilities, and the promise of evolution, Starly is a must-have for any Pokémon enthusiast.