
    Pokemon Zebstrika Guide

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Zebstrika is a dual-type Electric/Flying Pokémon introduced in the Generation V games. It is known for its fiery temper and the ability to unleash powerful lightning from its mane. This Pokémon has a sleek, zebra-like body with a mane that resembles a lion's mane, giving it a majestic and imposing appearance.

    Type: Electric/Flying
    Height: 1.5 m
    Weight: 40.5 kg
    Classification: Zebra Pokémon

    Zebstrika is known for its aggressive nature, which is evident in its battle behavior. It has a base stat total of 530, with notable strengths in Special Attack and Speed.

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves


    • Lightning Rod: This ability allows Zebstrika to absorb all electric-type moves directed at it, making it a powerful counter to Electric-type attacks.
    • Gale Whirl: This ability increases the power of Zebstrika's Flying-type moves when it is the last Pokémon in the opposing party.


    Zebstrika's moveset is primarily focused on Electric and Flying-type moves, with a few physical moves for versatility.

    • Thunderbolt: A powerful Electric-type move that deals damage to the opponent.
    • Gale: A Flying-type move that also deals damage and has a chance to raise the user's Speed.
    • Twister: A Flying-type move that can hit multiple opponents and has a chance to lower their Speed.
    • Thunder Wave: An Electric-type move that can hit multiple opponents and has a chance to lower their Special Defense.
    • Focus Blast: A powerful physical move that can deal a significant amount of damage if the user has Focus Energy.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Zebstrika is a formidable Pokémon in battles, especially in the later stages of the game. Its dual-type nature makes it versatile, capable of dealing with a wide range of opponents. Its abilities and moveset make it an excellent choice for players who want a Pokémon that can both dish out and withstand punishment.

    In competitive play, Zebstrika is often used as a reliable Electric-type attacker with a Flying-type backup. Its ability to absorb electric attacks and increase the power of its Flying-type moves makes it a valuable asset in a team.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    Battle Strategies

    • Utilize Zebstrika's ability to absorb electric attacks to counter Electric-type Pokémon.
    • Take advantage of its ability to increase the power of its Flying-type moves by placing it as the last Pokémon in the opposing party.
    • Pair Zebstrika with Pokémon that can handle physical attacks to protect it from physical damage.
    • Use Zebstrika's physical moves to deal with physical attackers or to take out Water-type Pokémon.

    Training Tips

    • Train Zebstrika's Special Attack and Speed to maximize its effectiveness in battle.
    • Use EVs to enhance its Electric and Flying-type moves.
    • Equip Zebstrika with items that boost its abilities or provide additional benefits in battle.

    5. Evolution Information

    Zebstrika evolves from Zebdrel, a Fire/Flying-type Pokémon. To evolve Zebdrel into Zebstrika, the Pokémon must be at level 30 and have the ability to absorb electric attacks, such as Lightning Rod.

    Evo. Chain:

    • Zebdrel (Fire/Flying) → Zebstrika (Electric/Flying) at level 30

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    • Zebstrika's design is inspired by the zebra's distinctive stripes and the mane of a lion, creating a unique and striking appearance.
    • The Pokémon's name is derived from "zebra" and "striking," reflecting its zebra-like appearance and its ability to strike with lightning.
    • Zebstrika's evolution from Zebdrel represents the transformation from a fierce but somewhat chaotic Pokémon to a more controlled and powerful one.

    Zebstrika is a powerful and versatile Pokémon that can be a valuable asset to any trainer's team. Its unique abilities, moveset, and evolution make it a memorable and exciting Pokémon to collect and train.