
    Pokemon Dugtrio Guide

    Dugtrio is a burrowing Pokémon known for its three heads, each capable of independently moving up and down to loosen soil. This unique ability makes it an excellent digger and a formidable opponent in battle. This guide will delve into the various aspects of Dugtrio, from its basic characteristics to its evolution and battle strategies.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Name: Dugtrio

    Type: Ground

    Height: 0.6 m

    Weight: 40.5 kg

    Abilities: Sand Veil, Sand Stream

    Egg Group: Ground

    Catch Rate: 45%

    Base Experience: 100

    Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female

    Dugtrio is a Ground-type Pokémon, which grants it high resistance to Water, Rock, and Electric attacks. It is known for its burrowing abilities, making it a formidable opponent in the ground layer of battlefields. Its three heads allow for a unique attack pattern, and its high speed makes it a challenging target.

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves


    • Sand Veil: Reduces damage from Fire-type moves.
    • Sand Stream: Increases accuracy when the user is at full health.


    Dugtrio has access to a variety of Ground-type moves, including:

    • Dig: A powerful Ground-type attack that can deal significant damage.
    • Rock Slide: A Ground-type move that can hit multiple opponents.
    • Earthquake: A powerful Ground-type attack that can deal damage to all opponents.
    • Tackle: A physical attack that can be used to initiate battle.

    Unique Moves

    • Rock Tomb: A Ground-type move that can deal damage and has a chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense.
    • Mud Bomb: A Ground-type move that can lower the opponent's accuracy.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Dugtrio is a versatile Pokémon that can serve multiple roles in a team:

    • DPS (Damage Per Second): Its high Speed and powerful Ground-type moves make it an excellent attacker.
    • Tank: With high Defense and Special Defense, Dugtrio can absorb a significant amount of damage.
    • Supporter: Its abilities and moves can be used to support the team, such as with Sand Stream or by using moves like Mud Bomb to lower the opponent's accuracy.

    Dugtrio is also a popular choice for competitive play, thanks to its balanced stats and diverse move pool.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    Battle Strategies

    • Focus on Ground-type moves: Dugtrio's Ground-type moves are highly effective against Water, Rock, and Electric-type Pokémon.
    • Use Sand Stream wisely: Activate Sand Stream when your health is low to increase your accuracy.
    • Combine physical and special attacks: Dugtrio's move pool allows for a mix of physical and special attacks, making it versatile in battle.

    Training Tips

    • Focus on Ground-type moves: Train your Ground-type moves to maximize their effectiveness.
    • Increase Speed: A higher Speed stat will make Dugtrio a more challenging target for opponents.
    • Balance your stats: Aim for a balanced approach to your stats to ensure Dugtrio can handle various roles in battle.

    5. Evolution Information

    Dugtrio evolves from Dugtrio at level 37. It is the final evolution of the Dugtrio line, and it retains the same type and abilities.

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    • Design Inspiration: Dugtrio's design is inspired by the trilobite, an ancient marine arthropod. Its three heads are reminiscent of the trilobite's three eyes.
    • Trivia: Dugtrio is one of the few Pokémon that can evolve into itself. This is due to the fact that it is the final evolution of the Dugtrio line.
    • Popularity: Dugtrio is a fan favorite, known for its unique abilities and versatile playstyle.

    In conclusion, Dugtrio is a highly capable Pokémon with a unique set of abilities and moves. Its versatile playstyle and powerful Ground-type moves make it a valuable asset to any Pokémon trainer's team. Whether you're looking for a powerful attacker, a tank, or a supportive Pokémon, Dugtrio is sure to be a valuable addition to your collection.