Top Johto Pokémon Starters: Master Your Adventure!
The Johto starters are a trio of Pokémon that players can choose from at the beginning of their journey in the Johto region. These Pokémon are:
- Chikorita (Grass-type)
- Cyndaquil (Fire-type)
- Totodile (Water-type)
These starters are traditionally given out by Professor Elm in the Johto-based core series games, such as Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. Each starter has its unique evolutionary line:
- Chikorita evolves into Bayleef and then Meganium.
- Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava and then Typhlosion.
- Totodile evolves into Croconaw and then Feraligatr.
In terms of gameplay, Cyndaquil is often considered the easiest starter to use in the Johto region due to its type advantages against several gyms. However, all three starters have their strengths and can be effective with proper strategy.
Interestingly, in some Pokémon games and spin-offs, players can obtain these starters through different means. For example, in Pokémon Sun and Moon, players can catch the base forms of these Pokémon using the Island Scan feature. Additionally, in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, a new game titled PLZ-A features Totodile and Chikorita as starters alongside Tepig, a Unova starter.