Mr. Mime

    Pokemon Mr. Mime Guide

    Mr. Mime, known for its broad hands and pantomiming abilities, is a unique and intriguing Pokémon. This guide will delve into the various aspects of Mr. Mime, from its basic characteristics to its evolution and battle strategies.

    1. Basic Information and Characteristics

    Name: Mr. Mime

    Type: Normal/Fairy

    Height: 1.1 m

    Weight: 45.5 kg

    Egg Groups: Humanoid

    Base Stats:

    • HP: 70
    • Attack: 65
    • Defense: 70
    • Special Attack: 100
    • Special Defense: 100
    • Speed: 95

    Description: Mr. Mime is a bipedal Pokémon with a humanoid appearance. It has a large, round head with a pair of large, round eyes. Its hands are particularly broad, which many scientists believe are adapted for pantomiming. Mr. Mime is known for its intelligence and is capable of mimicking various sounds and movements.

    2. Unique Abilities and Moves


    • Mime: This ability allows Mr. Mime to copy the moves of its opponents, making it a versatile Pokémon in battle.
    • Soundproof: This ability reduces the damage from sound-based attacks.


    • Copycat: This move allows Mr. Mime to copy the last move used against it.
    • Mimic: Mr. Mime can mimic the moves of other Pokémon, making it a formidable opponent.
    • Psychic: A powerful special attack that can deal significant damage.
    • Confuse Ray: A move that has a chance to confuse the opponent.
    • Reflect: This move reflects the opponent's attacks back at them.

    3. Role and Status in Pokemon Games

    Mr. Mime is a popular choice among players due to its unique abilities and moves. It is often used as a support Pokémon, providing powerful moves and defensive capabilities. Its ability to mimic moves makes it a versatile choice in battle, allowing it to adapt to various situations.

    In the Pokémon games, Mr. Mime is often found in the wild, making it a common catch for players. It is also available through evolution, making it a valuable Pokémon to have in your team.

    4. Battle Strategies and Training Tips

    Battle Strategies:

    • Use Mr. Mime's ability to mimic moves to adapt to your opponent's attacks.
    • Utilize its ability to reflect attacks to deal damage while keeping safe.
    • Combine Mr. Mime's powerful special attacks with its high Special Attack and Special Defense stats.

    Training Tips:

    • Train Mr. Mime's Special Attack and Special Defense stats to maximize its effectiveness in battle.
    • Focus on moves that complement its abilities, such as Copycat and Mimic.
    • Keep Mr. Mime's speed high to ensure it can react quickly in battle.

    5. Evolution Information

    Mr. Mime evolves from a Mime Jr. when it reaches level 30. Mime Jr. is a smaller, more agile version of Mr. Mime, with a similar appearance but without the broad hands. This evolution is a significant step in Mr. Mime's journey, unlocking new abilities and moves.

    6. Trivia and Design Inspiration

    • Mr. Mime's design is inspired by the French mime artist, which explains its pantomiming abilities.
    • The broad hands of Mr. Mime are said to be adapted for miming, allowing it to perform intricate movements.
    • Mr. Mime's ability to mimic moves is a nod to the mime's ability to mimic the actions of others.

    Mr. Mime is a fascinating Pokémon with unique abilities and a rich history. Whether you're looking to build a versatile team or simply enjoy the art of miming, Mr. Mime is a Pokémon worth adding to your collection.