Pokemon TCG Pocket Tier Lists - Game8's Mobile Guide

    Here is the current Pokémon TCG Pocket Tier List and the best decks in December 2024, based on their power, consistency, and effectiveness in the meta. These decks are ranked from S-Tier (most powerful) to B-Tier (still viable but less dominant).

    S-Tier Decks

    These are the strongest decks in the game, dominating the current meta.

    1. Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir Deck (Psychic)

    • Strengths: High damage output with consistent energy acceleration.
    • Key Cards:
      • Mewtwo ex x2
      • Ralts x2, Kirlia x2, Gardevoir x2
      • Supporters: Sabrina x1, Giovanni x2, Professor's Research x2
    • Strategy: Use Gardevoir's Psy Shadow ability to attach extra Psychic Energy to Mewtwo ex. This powers up Mewtwo’s Psydrive attack, dealing 150 damage every turn. It’s a strong deck for both offense and energy management.

    2. Pikachu ex & Zapdos ex Deck (Electric)

    • Strengths: Aggressive early-game damage with fast setup.
    • Key Cards:
      • Pikachu ex x2
      • Zapdos ex x2
      • Voltorb x2, Electrode x2
      • Supporters: Sabrina x2, Giovanni x1, Professor's Research x2
    • Strategy: Focuses on quick knockouts with Pikachu ex and Zapdos ex. This “glass cannon” deck can secure victories as early as turn six but lacks durability.

    3. Celebi ex & Serperior Deck (Grass)

    • Strengths: Massive damage potential with energy doubling.
    • Key Cards:
      • Celebi ex x2
      • Snivy x2, Servine x2, Serperior x2
      • Supporters: Erika x2, Sabrina x1
    • Strategy: Use Serperior’s Jungle Totem ability to double Grass Energy attached to Celebi ex. This enables Celebi to deal significant damage through its coin-flipping attack.

    A-Tier Decks

    Strong decks that can compete with S-Tier but require specific setups or have weaknesses.

    4. Starmie ex & Articuno ex Deck (Water)

    • Strengths: Balanced offense and energy acceleration.
    • Key Cards:
      • Starmie ex x2
      • Staryu x2, Articuno ex x2
      • Supporters: Misty x2, Sabrina x1
    • Strategy: Combines Starmie’s low-cost attacks with Articuno’s bench-damaging Blizzard. Misty accelerates energy placement for faster setups.

    5. Charizard ex & Moltres ex Deck (Fire)

    • Strengths: Heavy damage output with energy recycling.
    • Key Cards:
      • Charizard ex x2
      • Moltres ex x2
      • Supporters: Giovanni x1, Professor's Research x2
    • Strategy: Use Moltres’ Inferno Dance to attach Fire Energy to Charizard on the bench. Once powered up, Charizard can unleash devastating attacks.

    6. Venusaur ex Deck (Grass)

    • Strengths: Healing and sustainability.
    • Key Cards:
      • Venusaur ex x2
      • Bulbasaur x2, Ivysaur x2
      • Petilil x2, Lilligant x2
      • Supporters: Erika x2, Professor's Research x2
    • Strategy: Focuses on defensive play by healing and powering up Venusaur gradually. It excels in longer matches but struggles in the early game.

    B-Tier Decks

    Viable options for casual or budget players but less consistent in competitive play.

    7. Marowak ex Deck (Fighting)

    • Strengths: Simple and beginner-friendly.
    • Key Cards:
      • Marowak ex x2
      • Cubone x2, Dugtrio x2
      • Supporters: Sabrina x1, Giovanni x1
    • Strategy: A straightforward deck that focuses on moderate damage and disruption. It’s easy to build but lacks the power of higher-tier decks.

    8. Articuno ex & Greninja Deck (Water)

    • Strengths: Bench-damaging synergy.
    • Key Cards:
      • Articuno ex x2
      • Froakie x2, Frogadier x1, Greninja x1
      • Supporters: Misty x1, Sabrina x1
    • Strategy: Articuno’s Blizzard attack damages both active and benched Pokémon while Greninja’s Water Shuriken ability adds extra pressure to opponents’ benches.

    Summary of Tiers

    TierDeck NameKey Strengths
    S-TierMewtwo ex & GardevoirHigh damage + energy acceleration
    S-TierPikachu ex & ZapdosAggressive early-game knockouts
    S-TierCelebi ex & SerperiorMassive damage via energy doubling
    A-TierStarmie ex & ArticunoBalanced offense + energy acceleration
    A-TierCharizard ex & MoltresHeavy-hitting Fire-type synergy
    A-TierVenusaur exHealing and sustainability
    B-TierMarowak exBeginner-friendly and simple
    B-TierArticuno ex & GreninjaBench-damaging synergy

    These rankings reflect the current meta in Pokémon TCG Pocket after the Mythical Island expansion. For competitive success, focus on building S-Tier or high A-Tier decks!