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    Mawile - Complete Guide

    Mawile - Complete Guide

    It uses its docile-looking face to lull foes into complacency, then bites with its huge, relentless jaws.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 03:46:16

    Weezing - Complete Guide

    Weezing - Complete Guide

    If one of the twin Koffing inflates, the other one deflates. It constantly mixes its poisonous gases.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 03:37:18

    Koffing - Complete Guide

    Koffing - Complete Guide

    Its body is full of poisonous gas. It floats into garbage dumps, seeking out the fumes of raw, rotting trash.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 03:27:42

    Muk - Complete Guide

    Muk - Complete Guide

    It’s thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 03:16:15

    Grimer - Complete Guide

    Grimer - Complete Guide

    Born from sludge, these Pokémon now gather in polluted places and increase the bacteria in their bodies.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 03:06:47

    Golbat - Complete Guide

    Golbat - Complete Guide

    It loves to drink other creatures’ blood. It’s said that if it finds others of its kind going hungry, it sometimes shares the blood it’s gathered.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 02:57:25

    Zubat - Complete Guide

    Zubat - Complete Guide

    It emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings. Even in tight caves, Zubat flies around with skill.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 02:48:31

    Nidoking - Complete Guide

    Nidoking - Complete Guide

    When it goes on a rampage, it’s impossible to control. But in the presence of a Nidoqueen it’s lived with for a long time, Nidoking calms down.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 02:40:21

    Nidorino - Complete Guide

    Nidorino - Complete Guide

    With a horn that’s harder than diamond, this Pokémon goes around shattering boulders as it searches for a moon stone.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 02:32:39

    Nidoqueen - Complete Guide

    Nidoqueen - Complete Guide

    Nidoqueen is better at defense than offense. With scales like armor, this Pokémon will shield its children from any kind of attack.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 02:09:45

    Nidorina - Complete Guide

    Nidorina - Complete Guide

    The horn on its head has atrophied. It’s thought that this happens so Nidorina’s children won’t get poked while their mother is feeding them.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:58:45

    Nidoran♀ - Complete Guide

    Nidoran♀ - Complete Guide

    Females are more sensitive to smells than males. While foraging, they’ll use their whiskers to check wind direction and stay downwind of predators.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:48:22

    Arbok - Complete Guide

    Arbok - Complete Guide

    The latest research has determined that there are over 20 possible arrangements of the patterns on its stomach.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:39:10

    Ekans - Complete Guide

    Ekans - Complete Guide

    By dislocating its jaw, it can swallow prey larger than itself. After a meal, it curls up and rests.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:29:41

    Grapploct - Complete Guide

    Grapploct - Complete Guide

    A body made up of nothing but muscle makes the grappling moves this Pokémon performs with its tentacles tremendously powerful.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:19:18

    Clobbopus - Complete Guide

    Clobbopus - Complete Guide

    It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 01:09:20

    Mienshao - Complete Guide

    Mienshao - Complete Guide

    When Mienshao comes across a truly challenging opponent, it will lighten itself by biting off the fur on its arms.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 00:59:40

    Mienfoo - Complete Guide

    Mienfoo - Complete Guide

    In one minute, a well-trained Mienfoo can chop with its arms more than 100 times.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 00:49:16

    Kabutops - Complete Guide

    Kabutops - Complete Guide

    Kabutops slices its prey apart and sucks out the fluids. The discarded body parts become food for other Pokémon.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 00:40:15

    Kabuto - Complete Guide

    Kabuto - Complete Guide

    This species is almost entirely extinct. Kabuto molt every three days, making their shells harder and harder.

    Create At: 2025-02-11 00:31:33