A two-headed Pokémon that was discovered as a sudden mutation. It runs at a pace of over 60 miles per hour.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:54:22
The stalk this Pokémon carries in its wings serves as a sword to cut down opponents. In a dire situation, the stalk can also serve as food.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:45:52
Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:37:43
All it does is sleep during the daytime. At night, it patrols its territory with its eyes aglow.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:28:11
It has a very fine fur. Take care not to make it angry, or it may inflate steadily and hit with a body slam.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:18:31
When its huge eyes waver, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep.
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:09:48
Carrying food through Fearow’s territory is dangerous. It will snatch the food away from you in a flash!
Create At: 2025-02-11 06:01:04
Its reckless nature leads it to stand up to others—even large Pokémon—if it has to protect its territory.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:51:42
People say that it fled from its enemies by using its small webbed hind feet to swim from island to island in Alola.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:43:20
Its incisors grow continuously throughout its life. If its incisors get too long, this Pokémon becomes unable to eat, and it starves to death.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:34:49
When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:24:19
The claws on its feet are well developed. It can carry prey such as an Exeggcute to its nest over 60 miles away.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:14:41
A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.
Create At: 2025-02-11 05:06:29
It is said that somewhere in the ocean lies an island where these gather. Only they live there.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:55:23
They say that if it emits an aura from its whole body, the weather will begin to change instantly.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:45:13
It sheds many layers of skin as it grows larger. During this process, it is protected by a rapid waterfall.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:35:21
At the end of its life-span, Melmetal will rust and fall apart. The small shards left behind will eventually be reborn as Meltan.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:25:05
It dissolves and eats metal. Circulating liquid metal within its body is how it generates energy.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:14:58
This Pokémon commands a group of several Pawniard. Groups that are defeated in territorial disputes are absorbed by the winning side.
Create At: 2025-02-11 04:06:16
Pawniard will fearlessly challenge even powerful foes. In a pinch, it will cling to opponents and pierce them with the blades all over its body.
Create At: 2025-02-11 03:55:38