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    Bruxish - Complete Guide

    Bruxish - Complete Guide

    It grinds its teeth with great force to stimulate its brain. It fires the psychic energy created by this process from the protuberance on its head.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 08:11:45

    Pyukumuku - Complete Guide

    Pyukumuku - Complete Guide

    It lives in warm, shallow waters. If it encounters a foe, it will spit out its internal organs as a means to punch them.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 08:03:51

    Greninja - Complete Guide

    Greninja - Complete Guide

    It creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:52:45

    Frogadier - Complete Guide

    Frogadier - Complete Guide

    It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:43:17

    Froakie - Complete Guide

    Froakie - Complete Guide

    It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:35:23

    Swanna - Complete Guide

    Swanna - Complete Guide

    Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:26:24

    Ducklett - Complete Guide

    Ducklett - Complete Guide

    When attacked, it uses its feathers to splash water, escaping under cover of the spray.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:17:57

    Articuno - Complete Guide

    Articuno - Complete Guide

    It’s said that this Pokémon’s beautiful blue wings are made of ice. Articuno flies over snowy mountains, its long tail fluttering along behind it.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:09:20

    Omastar - Complete Guide

    Omastar - Complete Guide

    Weighed down by a large and heavy shell, Omastar couldn’t move very fast. Some say it went extinct because it was unable to catch food.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 07:00:55

    Omanyte - Complete Guide

    Omanyte - Complete Guide

    Because some Omanyte manage to escape after being restored or are released into the wild by people, this species is becoming a problem.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:50:58

    Vaporeon - Complete Guide

    Vaporeon - Complete Guide

    It lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin, which is often mistaken for a mermaid’s.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:42:11

    Lapras - Complete Guide

    Lapras - Complete Guide

    A smart and kindhearted Pokémon, it glides across the surface of the sea while its beautiful song echoes around it.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:34:29

    Gyarados - Complete Guide

    Gyarados - Complete Guide

    Once it appears, it goes on a rampage. It remains enraged until it demolishes everything around it.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:24:25

    Magikarp - Complete Guide

    Magikarp - Complete Guide

    An underpowered, pathetic Pokémon. It may jump high on rare occasions but never more than seven feet.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:14:50

    Starmie - Complete Guide

    Starmie - Complete Guide

    This Pokémon has an organ known as its core. The organ glows in seven colors when Starmie is unleashing its potent psychic powers.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 06:06:38

    Staryu - Complete Guide

    Staryu - Complete Guide

    If you visit a beach at the end of summer, you’ll be able to see groups of Staryu lighting up in a steady rhythm.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 05:57:52

    Seaking - Complete Guide

    Seaking - Complete Guide

    In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 05:48:50

    Goldeen - Complete Guide

    Goldeen - Complete Guide

    Its dorsal, pectoral, and tail fins wave elegantly in water. That is why it is known as the Water Dancer.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 05:40:57

    Seadra - Complete Guide

    Seadra - Complete Guide

    It’s the males that raise the offspring. While Seadra are raising young, the spines on their backs secrete thicker and stronger poison.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 05:33:42

    Horsea - Complete Guide

    Horsea - Complete Guide

    Horsea makes its home in oceans with gentle currents. If this Pokémon is under attack, it spits out pitch-black ink and escapes.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 05:22:26