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    Golett - Complete Guide

    Golett - Complete Guide

    They were sculpted from clay in ancient times. No one knows why, but some of them are driven to continually line up boulders.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 21:11:10

    Swoobat - Complete Guide

    Swoobat - Complete Guide

    Emitting powerful sound waves tires it out. Afterward, it won’t be able to fly for a little while.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 21:03:01

    Woobat - Complete Guide

    Woobat - Complete Guide

    While inside a cave, if you look up and see lots of heart-shaped marks lining the walls, it’s evidence that Woobat live there.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:52:04

    Gardevoir - Complete Guide

    Gardevoir - Complete Guide

    To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:42:45

    Kirlia - Complete Guide

    Kirlia - Complete Guide

    It has a psychic power that enables it to distort the space around it and see into the future.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:34:08

    Ralts - Complete Guide

    Ralts - Complete Guide

    The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people’s emotions.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:24:46

    Mewtwo - Complete Guide

    Mewtwo - Complete Guide

    It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene-splicing and DNA-engineering experiments.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:15:58

    Jynx - Complete Guide

    Jynx - Complete Guide

    Its strange cries sound like human language. There are some musicians who compose songs for Jynx to sing.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 20:07:14

    Mr. Mime - Complete Guide

    Mr. Mime - Complete Guide

    The broadness of its hands may be no coincidence—many scientists believe its palms became enlarged specifically for pantomiming.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:57:28

    Hypno - Complete Guide

    Hypno - Complete Guide

    When it locks eyes with an enemy, it will use a mix of psi moves, such as Hypnosis and Confusion.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:48:06

    Drowzee - Complete Guide

    Drowzee - Complete Guide

    It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children’s are much tastier.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:39:11

    Gengar - Complete Guide

    Gengar - Complete Guide

    To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey’s shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:29:38

    Haunter - Complete Guide

    Haunter - Complete Guide

    It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:19:32

    Gastly - Complete Guide

    Gastly - Complete Guide

    It wraps its opponent in its gas-like body, slowly weakening its prey by poisoning it through the skin.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:09:54

    Slowbro - Complete Guide

    Slowbro - Complete Guide

    When a Slowpoke went hunting in the sea, its tail was bitten by a Shellder. That made it evolve into Slowbro.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 19:00:53

    Slowpoke - Complete Guide

    Slowpoke - Complete Guide

    It is incredibly slow and dopey. It takes five seconds for it to feel pain when under attack.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 18:52:11

    Alakazam - Complete Guide

    Alakazam - Complete Guide

    It has an incredibly high level of intelligence. Some say that Alakazam remembers everything that ever happens to it, from birth till death.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 18:43:34

    Kadabra - Complete Guide

    Kadabra - Complete Guide

    Using its psychic power, Kadabra levitates as it sleeps. It uses its springy tail as a pillow.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 18:35:16

    Abra - Complete Guide

    Abra - Complete Guide

    This Pokémon uses its psychic powers while it sleeps. The contents of Abra’s dreams affect the powers that the Pokémon wields.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 18:25:44

    Clefable - Complete Guide

    Clefable - Complete Guide

    A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen, it will run and hide the moment it senses people.

    Create At: 2025-02-10 18:16:09